All Documents Are Living

  • Lyrics

    Words + Analysis

    It all begins with an idea. The Lyrics vaguely express The Idea in such a way that requires further analysis and interpretation from the reader or listener. MvK’s lyrical documents include living analyses which are not expressed in the public lyrics.

  • Essays

    Words = Analyses

    It all begins with an idea. The Essay analyzes The Idea with tedious attention to detail. MvK emphasizes the living nature of her essay documents. Essays are littered with Judgment, an ever-changing rational faculty.

  • Journals

    Pure Word

    It all begins with an idea. The Journal preserves the purest form of The Idea, absent of analysis. MvK’s journals are expressed via spoken word; as one idea inspires another without the disruption of contemplation. Pure Word is a direct product of Pure Thought; untainted by (internal or external) Judgment.